Is the Breville Barista Touch Worth It?

If you've ever ordered a coffee from a café, you've probably been asked if you'd like milk and sugar. But have you ever been asked if you'd like the barista to touch your drink? Some people say that the barista touch is worth it, while others find it unnecessary. So, what's the verdict? Is the compare Breville barista pro with touch worth it or not? Let's take a closer look at this question and see the pros and cons.

What is the Barista Touch?

The barista touch is a way for you to tell the barista to place their hand on top of your cup and, well, leave it there. This action aims to let the heat still inside your drink after it's been made. So what you're left with is a warm drink instead of one that's scolding hot.

Pros of the Benefit of the Barista Touch

There are some benefits to letting the barista take their hands and place it on top of your cup, other than just avoiding the heat. Some people say that this touch intensifies the aromas in your cup. Others say that when you add milk, it mixes in better and makes your drink taste better.

Cons of the Barista Touch

However, some negative things about having these tips touch with your cup. For example, they can drip coffee all over you, or they can accidentally dump your cup into another one that's underneath it. They might even get your cup dirty if they don't wash their hands.

Is the barista touch worth it?

After seeing all of the pros and cons of having your barista touch your cup, is it worth it? Well, there isn't a yes or no answer to this question. It comes down to personal preference. If you like warm drinks instead of scolding ones, then perhaps it's worth it for you. However, if you like your drinks how they're served and don't like the idea of having to touch someone's hand, then it might not be worth it. So the question is: do you want a warm drink or not?

Some tips and tricks of Breville barista touch

Make sure to let the barista know that you want them to touch your cup. Some cafés will automatically do this for you, but some won't. If you don't like how they're touching your drink, tell them! Maybe they'll be more careful next time.

It's perfectly okay for you to touch your drink, don't spill it all over yourself! This is a pretty widespread practice in many cafés, so hopefully, you won't have any trouble with it. If only two people are working the entire shop, though, well… good luck getting your cup touched!

The Verdict

As you can see, there are both pros and cons to the barista touch. And while it does provide some extra benefits to your drink, there is a chance that it will cause some inconveniences for you. That's why many people choose not to order the barista touch. Some will even say that it messes with my cup's flavors and makes them taste worse instead of better.

This doesn't necessarily mean that the barista touch is bad or good, though. It's just a matter of preference. If you don't mind the barista touching your cup, then it's probably something that you'll enjoy. However, just let them know if you're not fond of this idea.


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