Gaggia Classic Espresso Machine Troubleshooting

If you are taking a new espresso machine and you are concerned about the performance. Then you may get this section important advice because it describes some of the common troubleshooting of espresso machines. 

An espresso machine may run including some problems after using it for a few days. Some of these problems may make you a bit upset and feel a little bit unsatisfied while using the Gaggia espresso machine.

You may also imagine that your favorite best Gaggia espresso machine is damaged or not usable anymore, don’t be so much concerned.

Gaggia Classic Troubleshooting Instruction 

In this article, we will lead you through a way of solving some of those problems in your Gaggia espresso machine. 

No Power To Machine  

1.On/Off switch is in the wrong place 

Various machines have power switches that can be in more than one place. Normally, a light will show if the power to the element is activated. 

2.Safety thermal switch on the machine has tripped 

Not all coffee machines but there are many machines with safety cut out that will trip if the machine overheats. 

Machine Not Giving Coffee or Dispensing Very Slowly  

1.Coffee grind too fine or packed too tightly to permit water into the basket

Take the handle off and press to make a coffee if water runs ok then the coffee grind has been set too fine or the handle is blocked and needs to be washed.

2.Problem With Water Supply 

Check your mains water equipment is not switched off or the Water filter blocked. 

3.Lack of cleaning 

If your Coffee is very oily and this oil makes up in the group head, in the baskets, and in the portafilter. Clean all parts that come into contact with the coffee on a daily basis with a degreaser such as Puly Caff. 

Coffee Tastes Bitter Or Sour Lacks Crema 

Normally, problems with crema or the quality of the shot do not mean a breakdown of the machine. Rather, this indicates that an adjustment requires to be made in the brewing method or that various beans need to be applied.

The Bottom Line  

Here we have shown how to solve the problem of your machine. And by following these steps you can easily accomplish this task. Hope this has been beneficial for you 


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